Williams Cardiology & Wellness Medical Centre

  Contact : (705) 637-0239

CLINIC UPDATE: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

To all of our patients,

In light of the current situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19), we will be taking special precautionary measures at our clinic.

We are still open but will be seeing patients via telemedicine. To book an appointment, we require a referral from a Physician or Nurse Practitioner licensed in the province of Ontario.  

This secure computer-based program will allow us to connect with you and review your medical situation while you stay in the comfort (and protection) of your own home.

We look forward to helping more patients and more people understand how their nutritional habits can be an important avenue to improve and in turn, better manage and sometimes even reverse (like high blood pressure…) their medical conditions.

See you online!

Telemedicine appointments