Williams Cardiology & Wellness Medical Centre

  Contact : (705) 637-0239

Intro to Plant Based Nutrition Online Course

Introducing our NEW Intro and Advanced online classes!

About our Intro Course:

Our Intro Course takes place over 6 weeks. Each week Dr. Williams will deliver an engaging 1 hour talk designed to increase participants knowledge of how a whole food plant-based diet can improve their overall health. Weekly recipes, grocery lists, tip sheets and other educational resources will also be included. This course is pre-recorded and our first class starts March 12, 2020.

About our Advanced Course:

Our Advanced Course takes place all year long and begins March 11, 2020. Each week Dr. Williams chooses a different scientifically backed topic that relates to your health and how this is linked to the positive benefits of a Whole Food Plant Based Diet. These sessions are recorded LIVE on Wednesdays at 12:00pm EST. If you miss it, we will post a recording after each session so you can catch up. We will also provide budget-friendly recipes to help you eat healthier and cleaner.

For details and to register, please click HERE.